8C Collections

At 8C, we harbor a collection of art pieces pulsating with life, each carrying a bounty of emotions and a narrative of uniqueness, piercing the heart with profound intuition. Merging artistic finesse into our spatial designs, we find each artwork a haven to breathe freely, allowing them to evolve over time, while entrusting interpretation to the beholder. Each encounter becomes a dialogue between the artist's vision and the viewer's soul, infusing classic masterpieces with new meanings and nourishing the industry with fresh artistic blood. The 8C collection is more than art—it's a chronicle of creators' journeys, a treasure trove of soulful moments, a testament to our golden age.

Moral Test

Throughout their lives, humans probe into the nature of "relationships." Ironically, as relationships evolve, so too do their stances shift—reflecting both human intelligence and obtuseness. Charles Haskell Cooley's "moral test" does not concern itself with good or evil, but rather with the principles of survival.